自2008年座無虛席的卡內基音樂廳首演後,蓋洛格踏上了共計88場演奏的世界巡迴之旅(數字88代表鋼琴鍵盤上的88個琴鍵),橫跨世界七大洲的各種場合,從康乃迪中心到卡布林、孟買到博爾德、芝加哥到上海、臺灣到突尼西亞等地。近期的巡迴表演亮點包括蓋洛格於開羅歌劇院、台北國家演奏廳、紐約聯合國總部大樓、世界銀行的首演秀,他還受邀至埃及、緬甸、巴基斯坦、阿拉伯聯合大公國、蒙古、泰國、斐濟、中國和印度等地的私家場合和特殊活動演奏。 88場演奏的世界巡迴之旅最後於2015年4月13日,在紐約卡內基音樂廳的「贊克爾廳」,以銷售一空的音樂會劃下完美句點。經過一連串的醞釀到時機成熟,他便在紐約成立了「國際88音樂會」,該組織主辦並協助包括「緬甸音樂節」在內等國際音樂計劃。 |
KIMBALL GALLAGHER has risen to prominence as one of the most dynamic and multifaceted pianists on the stage today. His sensitive insights at the keyboard, coupled with his singular entrepreneurial sensibilities, have enabled him to explore a broad scope of creative endeavors.
Critics have described him as a “dynamo,” “sunlit and rapturous” and “a lightning bolt” Gallagher’s sold-out 2008 debut at Carnegie Hall launched his international The 88- Concert Tour, a tour reviving the salon culture through a series of 300+ performances in a variety of non-traditional venues. Gallagher has blazed a trail across the 7 continents, appearing in 30 countries, and has performed in distinguished venues and intimate gatherings all over the world, from the Kennedy Center to Kabul, Bombay to Boulder, Chicago to Shanghai, and Tuscany to Tunisia. The 88 Concert Tour concluded with a culmination recital by Gallagher at Carnegie Hall in 2015, in New York City, leading to the initiation of 88 International, an international organization initiating and executing projects across the globe. His upcoming recordings of standard repertoire include the complete Chopin Etudes, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, a CD of Liszt including his epic Sonata in B Minor. Additionally, he has recorded 88 of his own Preludes each one dedicated to a different person he met on his 88-Concert-Tour. A native of Boston, Kimball Gallagher earned his undergraduate degree at Rice University in the studio of Jeanne Kierman-Fischer, and his Master of Music degree as a pupil of Robert McDonald at The Juilliard School. His life-long mentor, pianist Joseph Smith was a mainstay of his musical development along with teachers David Dubal, Jerome Lowenthal, and Seymour Bernstein. edit. |
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