以音樂點燃學生的學習熱忱,將學習的主導權交給學生We inspire passions through music to create a student-led learning environment. |
Taiwan88所有的校園音樂會都是互動式音樂會—音樂會重點不只是表演者的演出與知識分享,更著重在學生參與過程的互動體驗。因為重視互動性,所有演出者都需要透過 Entry Point為每一首樂曲設計一項可以讓學生參與的互動活動。這個活動的設計一方面必須要簡單易懂,讓完全沒有音樂背景、不懂音樂術語的學生都能立即理解並參與,另一方面也要能夠呈現樂曲的精髓。
The main focus of all Taiwan88 concerts is not just the musical performance itself, but even more importantly, the interactions between the performers and the students. Because we prioritize student engagement, before any music is performed, all performers are expected to design an activity by using the concept of an Entry Point. On one hand, the design of this activity must be simple to understand, so students who have no musical background can immediately comprehend and participate. On the other hand, it needs to best present the essence of the music.
Understanding the creative process
Throughout the concert, students are able to experience the creative process that artists might have gone through to create their masterworks. By exploring music from different countries and different eras, students are encouraged to start exploring possibilities to communicate and express their own emotions and ideas through music.
Stories around the world
Music from different cultural backgrounds are selected with their stories introduced to the students, so that the students are able gain broader global perspectives through the concert.
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