身為一位具有人道胸懷的音樂家,凱盈將音樂帶進世界及台灣各地的弱勢族群,並透過音樂與各地朋友分享其中的成果與成就,從台灣到東南亞緬甸與北非突尼西亞,這些社會性計畫不但為人帶來歡樂,也點燃參與者對生命的信心以及對無限可能的想像,更慶祝著成就世界繽紛與多元之各項獨特文化傳統。 凱盈歡迎更多志同道合的朋友加入這個行列,與她的藝術家朋友以及一路相伴的支持者,一起踏上這趟充滿意義的旅程,透過音樂我們將能服務眾人、啟發人心並且改變生命,共同成就更美好的世界。 |
Kai-Yin’s artistry and talent unleash the transformative and revitalizing magic of music and draw individuals and communities together in the shared mission of healing and nurturing the world. Through the universal power of music, she taps into the Good of the human soul and inspires people to embrace hope, compassion and love—the moral lifeblood that drives enduring positive social change. Kai-Yin is a virtuoso pianist and humanitarian based in Taiwan who is dedicated to spreading the wonder of music and the arts to underserved communities and to sharing the fruits of her humanitarian work with audiences around the world. Kai-Yin's social impact programs bring joy to people worldwide, restore their faith in the endless possibilities of life, and celebrate the unique cultural heritages that constitute the exquisite mosaic of humanity.Kai-Yin welcomes all like-minded souls to join with her, her fellow artists,and her supporters on Life’s Journey.Together, we can serve, inspire and transform lives; together, we can heal the world.
Education 學歷2012 紐約州立大學石溪分校博士
2009 耶魯大學 音樂學院碩士 2006 茱麗亞音樂學院 學士 2012 Doctor of Musical Arts, State University of New York, Stony Brook
2009 Master of Music, Yale School of Music 2006 Bachelor of Music, The Juilliard School |
Published Works 出版作品2018 『未來ING: 遇見未來更好的自己』鋼琴創作專輯
2017 『音樂的想像力遊戲』四手聯彈專輯 2015 『萌芽』古典鋼琴演奏專輯 2014 『鋼琴家的音樂之旅』音樂電子書 2012 『溫水里的青蛙』電子與實體書 2018 Future-ING: Original Compositions for Solo Piano (Musical Album)
2017 Games, Imagination and Music for Piano Four Hands (Musical Album) 2015 Spring: Piano Solo Works by R. Schumann and F. Schubert (Musical Album) 2014 The Musical Journey of a Pianist (Digital Book) 2012 The Boiling Frog (Printed and Digital Book) |
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