Divi Lee,她的母親旅居德國時懷有身孕、在維也納出生,賜與她李德維這個特別的名字。2010年出國深造,而後榮獲獎學金赴英國皇家伯明罕音樂院就讀,並以最高榮譽第一等成績分別取得最高演奏家文憑(Advanced Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction/Professional Performance with Distinction)及碩士學位(Master of Music with Distinction)。在學期間,獲得比賽及受邀演出的肯定,2013年獲得英國皇家伯明罕音樂院 John Ireland 鋼琴獨奏首獎,於2007年獲得新北市大學組鋼琴獨奏第一名;2011至2013年間,在英國舉辦多場個人售票獨奏會、協奏曲售票音樂會及受邀參與多個音樂節演出。
回國後參與多元型態及風格的演出,包含古典、即興、改編、跨界、跨領域、伴奏、室內樂、配樂、錄音、流行、爵士等等。任職於【凱樂思藝術】專任藝術家,參與多場國內外獨奏及室內樂合奏的演出;【臺灣體育大學舞蹈系】芭蕾舞蹈鋼琴伴奏;【格致中學】合唱團鋼琴伴奏;【勇氣即興劇團】合作即興劇配樂樂手及工作坊樂手,至今已演出超過80場;【君悅大飯店】職業簽約琴師。2018年受澳洲導演Nick Byrne之邀,至【澳洲坎培拉國際即興藝術節】擔任即興鋼琴家,與世界各地的即興劇演員合作,參與為期一週、超過10場不同型式的密集演出。錄製過多個新創錄音作品,並於2017年出版〖音樂的想像力遊戲Taiwan88四手聯彈音樂專輯〗。演出足跡遍及台灣、加拿大、英國、緬甸、澳洲等地。 演出之餘,同時也致力於鋼琴教學、企劃及音樂教育推廣,並積極發展藝文相關活動,現為【台灣八八】創辦團隊及演出者,已協助舉辦超過130場校園音樂會,將高品質的古典音樂會帶入台灣各縣市偏鄉校園,至今已超過四萬位學生參與。自2014年起為【緬甸國際音樂節】的企劃統籌,協助建立台灣與國際交流之平台,至今已舉辦六屆。 |
Won the top prize of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire’s John Ireland Piano Solo Award in 2013, Divi graduated with advanced postgraduate diploma with distinct professional performance, as well as a master of music. Divi has studied under various internationally renowned pianists and won the 2007 top prize of New Taipei City‘s college-wide Piano Solo Award. She has performed throughout Taiwan, Canada, Britain, and Myanmar, Australia, among other places. Between 2011 and 2013, Divi has held numerous piano solo ticketed concerts and piano duo ticketed concerts. After returning to Taiwan, Divi has worked with a diverse group of musicians and drama troupes, gaining experience from various types and styles of performance. Once the designated pianist at five-star hotels such as Regent Taipei and Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Divi is currently the professional contract pianist at Grand Hyatt Taipei and a collaborative pianist with Guts Improv Theatre. In addition to performance, Divi is dedicated to piano teaching and advocacy for music education, as well as art events. In her efforts to establish a music exchange platform between Taiwan and the international community, Divi currently serves as the project director and performer of Taiwan88 and the Myanmar Music Festival.
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